
2023年3月10日,周五,9:00 - 3:30.m.

CELTSS is delighted to offer a one-day spring writing retreat hosted on campus. Join colleagues in a day (or an hour) of writing in community in the CIE, which offers multiple spaces to stretch out with your laptop. 将提供茶点. Click here to register before Wednesday, March 8, 2023: http://forms.gle/UL3Ugx3BuvCJEVoG7

2023年5月24日(星期三)下午9:00 - 3:00.m.

CELTSS is pleased to announce that we will be offering a one-day writing retreat on Wednesday, May 24th at the Warren Center in Ashland on a first-applied, 承认的基础上. 将提供午餐和茶点. The day will involve unstructured writing time as well as opportunities to meet one-on-one with a writing coach and options to discuss works-in-progress with peers.

Dr. Jennifer de Leon和Dr. 贝琳达·沃尔泽将担任写作教练. Jenn is an Assistant Professor in 英语 at Framingham State University and Belinda is an Assistant Professor in 英语 at Appalachian State University and a former Director of the Writing Center at Northeastern University.

Click here to complete the online application by Wednesday, April 19th if you wish to participate: http://forms.gle/zd8qacCkonseFTWP9. We expect places to fill up quickly and will notify participants by Wednesday, April 26th.

Colleagues will attest that it is a great opportunity to jump start a project, 清除大脑中的蜘蛛网, 或者推迟一个项目. It doesn't have to be all writing either; sometimes it's just thinking or sharing your ideas with the facilitator."



At Duxbury, everyone is very respectful of quiet time and individual spaces. There are places to escape to as well if you need alone time. There's a private beach for walking and even some brave individuals who take the plunge in May. Bedtimes seemed mostly staggered according to individuals' own clocks, 虽然我们共用房间, 我从不觉得奇怪, 我很注重隐私. Most people got up before me so when I got up, I would find coffee in the pot. One night meal making is easy and basic with some surprising innovators out there. 包括甜点! 而且总是有剩菜带回家. You can bring your own alcohol (liquor store nearby), but teetotalers are welcome, too."

- 2019年参与者


CELTSS provided us with a warm and sharing environment in a south shore paradise. I left feeling energized, accomplished, and happy to be part of the FSU community."

- 2015年参与者


Collaboration with writing coaches and colleagues was a great benefit to my overall goal."

- 2015年参与者
